You are getting so very relaxed!

ASMR Episodes

Sept. 11, 2022

S1E1: 49 Norwegian trigger/focus words whispered. Fall asleep while growing your vocabulary. ASMR and binaural music (432 Hz)

Today we will read a page in the book “Solstråleboken” Written by Trond Edvard Haukedal. We are going to read a page in where he shares some of his thoughts on what a good life is. This book is all about motivation, self worth and self-management.
Aug. 21, 2022

ASMR reading and whispering about mushrooms in relaxing Norwegian with hypnotic rain and vanlife sounds (1 hour sleep friendly)

In this episode I have taken my microphones with me in my camper van and parked in a forest on a hill. I have been out and about lately looking for ...
Aug. 12, 2022

ASMR keyboard writing in relaxing Norwegian with hypnotic echoing and beautiful relaxing music (2 hours sleep friendly)

Appreciate this episode? Buy me a coffee! :)Love this podcast? Tell me (and the world)Join me on FacebookHere is the original script for this episode in NORWEGIAN.  Relax with slow Norwegian, August 2022 Tiden flyr. Dagene går. Tenk at det er kommet til ...
July 18, 2022

Meditative ASMR keyboard writing in Norwegian, with trigger/focus words repeated. Bineural + beautiful relaxing music (2 hours sleep friendly)

For the first time in a long while I am writing at my keyboard while I am sharing some thoughts with you. In addition I have picked out a long list of trigger words that I read at the end of the episode. Very hypnotic and sleep inducing.
July 8, 2022

ASMR + soft guitar/singing + nature sounds - status of my life right now

Join me on FacebookIt has been more than a year since last I published something here, and still I notice the podcast going strong when it comes to listening analytics....